
Ben Bahorich, President

As President, Ben manages a vertically-integrated real estate company (development, construction, and property management).  This vertically-integrated approach enables Morningstar to be the most cost-effective developer of student housing in the Rice area. Through organic growth, Morningstar is the largest provider of off-campus housing for Rice undergraduates and will own and operate about 600 off-campus bedrooms by August 2025. Ben has a BS in mechanical engineering from Rice University.

Mike Bahorich, Advisor

As Advisor and Primary Capital Partner, Mike uses his extensive professional experience and network of industry friends to identify new capital projects, provide strategic direction, and quantify investment risk.  In 2015 he retired as the number 4 named officer of an S&P 500 firm.  Mike has a BS degree from the University of Missouri and an MS degree from Virginia Tech.